Strathavon at a glance

About the suburb of Strathavon

Strathavon is situated less than 10 minutes from the Sandton CBD, with easy access to several main roads to surrounding areas, including the M1 highway.  Strathavon is a peaceful suburb with a community feel despite being so close to the hustle and bustle of Sandton. Boomed-off areas provide a secure environment for cluster and townhouse complexes. Apartment complexes are popular as they tend to be an older design, with spacious rooms.

There are about 450 sectional title properties in Strathavon and 350 full title (freehold) properties. It's a small, surprisingly quiet suburb.

Interesting facts about the history of Strathavon

The land size of Strathavon is just 1.4 square kilometers, and the total population is estimated to be 3 500 residents. The predominant language is English, but a mix of different South African residents speak various local languages (there are 11 in all!).

Expat residents are also commonplace in Strathavon, given the suburb's proximity to the investment banks, finance houses, Johannesburg Stock Exchange, top legal firms, telecommunications companies, and boutique businesses in the Sandton Business District. Expat residents also benefit from living in Strathavon as the French International School, and British International School are short distances away.

Schools in the area

In addition to the proximity of the French and British International schools, there are several private schools near Sandhurst. Crawford Preparatory and Crawford College in Benmore are nearest, but elite schools Redhill and St. David's Marist are also within a ten to fifteen-minute drive from Strathavon.

Public schools in the immediate area include Montrose Primary and Sandown High School.

Medical facilities in the area

The Sandton Day Clinic (Intercare day Hospital - Sandton) is in Morningside, Sandton, some 10 minutes from Strathavon, and the Morningside Medi Clinic is a private hospital of excellent repute. Many private medical professionals have medical rooms and practices throughout the Sandton area.

Shopping centers and malls in the area

The Grayston shopping center in Strathavon is ideal for a quick run to the shops. Benmore Shopping Centre and the mega-complex Sandton City are five minutes from Strathavon.

In Parkmore, which is a neighbouring suburb, there are bakeries and cafés to enjoy. Eatalian is a favourite for casual lunches and dinners.

Restaurants to visit near Strathavon

If looking to enjoy a casual meal in a café-style setting, Eatalian in Parkmore is the place to go. There are many options, all with different specialties, around Nelson Mandela Square ... Italian, Greek, Japanese, American, South African grill houses, and more. Nelson Mandela Square is five minutes from Strathavon. If you take a ten-minute drive, you can spoil family, friends, or colleagues with a meal at the impressive Signature restaurant in the Morningside Shopping Center. 

Things to do in Strathavon

Looking for weekend activities around Strathavon? Here are our Top 5 things to do in and around the suburb:

  1. The Camelot Spa at the Seven Villa Hotel on Helen Road is a beautiful experience. The treatments are divine, and the friendly staff is accommodating to children. The setting is quiet. It's a modern African hotel with lush gardens and beautiful sculptures on site.

  1. Sandton City, Nelson Mandela Square, and the Diamond Walk. A list of things to do in and around Strathavon would not be complete without including this mega-shopping complex in the list of things to do. There are hundreds of stores and restaurants to enjoy.

  1. Hot Air Balloon Ride at the Hyundai Mushroom Farm Park in Daisy Street. It's a picnic spot with walking trails and an interactive children's play area. You can book rides on the hot air balloon at affordable prices and enjoy spectacular views over Sandton and beyond.

  1. Alice & Fifth supper club and nightclub is tucked away in the Sandton Sun Hotel in Sandown. The impressive interiors are a masculine take on the roaring 1920s, with a decadent finish. You have a superb meal from Thursdays through Saturdays while you enjoy the Playhouse entertainment experience. Clubbing starts closer to midnight.

  1. Amatuli & Razor Charlie in Wynberg is well worth a visit. You can spend hours trawling through imported African and Indonesian handcrafted wares (new containers arrive regularly, so there's always something new to see).

You can then enjoy a gin fizz or an African beer at the eclectic Razor Charlie eatery and order some street-style Mexican food (the nachos are a hit, as is the chimichurri strip steak). An exciting mix of shoppers, artists, and designers pass, though.

On their website homepage, "We explore the world and bring back treasures you have never seen before. We climb mountains, trek along rocky trails and wander through markets from Marrakesh to Mumbai. We provide our clients with a piece of history ...."

Distance to airports, main roads, and the CBD

Strathavon has convenient access to the M1 highway at the Grayston Drive onramp / offramp. Rivonia Road will take you north, and Sandton Drive will take you south.

There is a Gautrain station within a 5-minute drive; from there, you can travel to the OR Tambo International airport in 15 minutes on the train. The train is also a comfortable commute to the south of Sandton, with stations in the Rosebank commercial district and the Johannesburg inner city.

Many corporate companies have shuttle busses running staff between their headquarters and the Gautrain stations. The train route to the north will take you through the Centurion and Pretoria areas. These are business and commercial hubs, but most often, the route is used by enthusiastic sports fans heading to matches at Supersport Park in Centurion or Loftus in Pretoria.

Weather in Strathavon

Strathavon is in Sandton, Johannesburg, subject to the Highveld climate. This climate is that of hot summers, with afternoon thundershowers being typical, and crisp, short winters. Residents of Strathavon can enjoy an outdoor lifestyle on most days ... the sun shines most of the time!

Make Strathavon your home, your story.

Our area specialist agents at Seeff, Soula Pappas, and Patrick Main sell homes in Strathavon.

Browse their portfolio of property for sale here and be in touch with them directly.  They have the very best sales listings on the market.

We also have rental homes available for lease in Strathavon for private and corporate tenants. Browse the properties to rent by our agent Phinda Matyolo and be in touch with her directly for assistance. 

1 Residential Home For Sale in Strathavon, Sandton

FROM R920,000

1 Residential Home To Let in Strathavon, Sandton

FROM R8,000

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