Make your home pawfectly pet friendly

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You love your pet. In fact, it borders on obsession. With their warm licks, gentle headbutts and hilariously Instagrammable moments, they've made a place in your heart. Of course, creating a home for them isn't always easy. While they're your best friend, they may not always get along with your decor. You don't have to sacrifice style to keep Lassie and Sylvester happy. With some smart choices, you can have a home that'll have everyone's tail wagging.  

Pet-proof your foyer

Install a dog gate or cat flap here. It'll help your pet come in freely after their outdoor adventure. It can also take the stress off you every time your pet wants to - ahem - answer the call of nature. You should put out a cute welcome mat to catch any mud and dust they might bring in. It's not unusual for pets to get hurt by swinging doors. Add an elegant door stopper to prevent a bad bruise.  

Pet-proof your lounge 

The flick of a tail or swipe of a paw can send your prized vase flying.  For the love of all things delicate, keep them stored in cabinets away from frisky animals.

Make sure your floors are durable. Paw prints, piddles and poo can happen at any time. Carpets stain so opt for stone, laminated, hardwood floors or ceramic tiles. They won't collect pet fluff and will keep your pet cool in warmer weather. 

Cats can scratch walls. Dogs can spatter them with saliva. Both like to rub against them. Think smart and use a glossy, quality paint that can be wiped clean when attacked. 

Pet-proof your kitchen

Your kitchen can become a playground of destruction. Treat your four-legged pal as you would a child. Keep your counters free from food and drink. Untrained or new pets love to go counter surfing. When you're done with fridge, ovens and dishwashers, keep them closed. Your pet is naturally curious and they love to see what you've been up to. Be sure to store chemicals and disinfectants safely in cupboards and drawers. If you're installing new kitchen cupboards, think about putting a deep drawer near the pet bowls to use for pet food storage.

Pet-proof your bathroom

Remember that Kleenex advert where the dog plays with a loo roll? It's cute on screen but not so fun when it happens in your home. Keep toilet paper in holders and add latches on cupboards and drawers. You should consider including a handheld showerhead. In a jiffy, you can convert your tub into a bathing station for those days when an outside bucket won't do. 

Pet-proof your bedroom 

You wouldn't dare kick Rover or Felix out of bed. But, you may want to prepare for those late-night cuddle sessions. Go shopping for sturdy bedding in washable fabrics. Prints that match your pet will also help mask pet hair. Your shoes and clothes can become a target for bored pets. Keep your sanity in check by storing them safely in cupboards and drawers. 

Pet-proof your yard

Have a space for your dog to chase butterflies? Or your cat to practice their tree-climbing skills? Good. Now make it a haven! Put in secure fencing and keep an eye out for any dents, gaps or holes. Plant lots of pet-friendly shrubbery to keep your pet happy. Line your compost heap with mesh to keep inquisitive pets out. If you have a pool, cover it when not in use. Your pet is your pride and joy so keep them safe. There are lots of security systems on the market that secure your property and lets them wander around freely. 

Pet-friendly homes in Somerset West

At Seeff, we take pleasure in finding homes that fit everyone in your family. We have many pet-friendly rentals and homes for sale in the area. Are you rather looking to sell or rent to a prospective pet owner? With our experienced real estate agents, it's simpler than ever. We know just how to appeal to those looking for a home for their furry companions. Contact our Somerset West team to make an appointment. 

Author: Seeff

Submitted 30 Jul 19 / Views 2228

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