Affordable upgrades that add value to your Home

Category Top Property Tips

If you’re considering selling your home or apartment, you surely want to get the best price, and that typically means doing some work on your home to bring out its full potential and best attributes. Taking on major renovations to overhaul your home isn’t within everyone’s budget, but there are other, far more affordable ways to create a striking impression and display the true value of your home to potential buyers. Here are a few tips and tricks that will give your home a quick facelift without breaking the bank:

1. Get Painting

Nothing transforms a living space – or even pieces of furniture – quite like a fresh coat of paint. If you have rooms that feature vibrant wall colours, it would be advisable to tone them down with neutral colours instead, as bold colours can be off-putting to potential buyers. Repaint built-in cupboards and closets to give them a fresh lease on life. Look at modern home trends and select colours which will match most colour schemes.

2. Upgrade Handles & Light Switches

Replacing your older doorknobs, drawer handles, light switches, and other finishes with modern alternatives will instantly upgrade the appearance and overall feel of your home. You could also investigate repainting your knobs and handles if your budget is tight.

3. Make Your Front Entrance More Enticing

One of the first big impressions people have of any home is the front door and entrance leading into the house. Paint your front door a fresh new colour and add potted plants next to the doorways to create a naturally calming and invigorating impression as someone enters your home.

4. Upgrade Your Bathroom & Kitchen

The two rooms in any home that greatly affects the overall desirability to potential buyers are the kitchen and bathrooms. While this may cost a little more, investing in new fittings, worktop surfaces, and adding new lighting and accessories will make a huge difference to your home’s overall value and sales price.

6. Paint Your Tiles

While many people consider completely ripping up their tiles and replacing them with new ones, with today’s paint solutions, you can quickly and easily renovate your floors or walls by painting the tiles instead. As with your wall colours, keep to natural and neutral shades that will appeal to most buyers and visitors.

Author: Seeff Head Office

Submitted 24 Oct 19 / Views 1787