River Club at a glance

About the suburb of River Club

River Club is an affluent suburb of Johannesburg, located just to the south-west of Sandton and bordering the suburbs of Duxberry, Bryanston, and Morningside. River Club is mainly known for the magnificent River Club Golf Course, which is widely regarded as one of the best courses in the country, particularly its finishing holes.

Most of the houses in River Club are large, and the suburb is filled with many established trees that attract a variety of birdlife, which creates a serene and peaceful atmosphere. Additionally, the suburbs surrounding River Club shelter it from the traffic of the N1/N3, and its boomed areas provide residents with ample security.

There are about 2 600 homes in River Club. It's a tucked-away suburb of long-time residents.

Interesting facts about the history of River Club

River Club, including the golf course, along with Bryanston and Randburg, was originally part of the Driefontein (the three springs) Farm established in 1940.  Drie Fontein means three springs, and these freshwater springs gave the farm its name. The Braamfontein Spruit meanders along the north-western border of River Club suburb and golf course, likely giving the pretty suburb its name.

Schools in the area

There are many schools within proximity of River Club, as the suburb itself is very centrally located. There are government and private schooling options, from nursery and pre-primary school to preparatory (primary) and high schools.

  1. Redhill Preparatory and High school
  2. Crawford Preparatory and High school
  3. St. Stithians Preparatory, Boys College, and Girls College
  4. Brescia House school for girls
  5. St. Peters Preparatory school for boys
  6. The Michael Mount Waldorf School

  1. The British International School
  2. The French International School

  1. Bryandale Primary School
  2. Bryanston Primary School
  3. Bryanston Parallel Medium Primary School
  4. Rivonia Primary School
  5. Montrose Primary School

  1. Bryanston High School
  2. Sandown High School

Medical facilities in the area

Morningside Medi Clinic, the Sandton Clinic, and Netcare Sunninghill Hospital are private hospitals near River Club.

Shopping centers and malls in the area

River Club is conveniently situated between Bryanston and Sandton, offering residents easy access to shopping and entertainment destinations. Sandton City, Nelson Mandela Square, Nicolway, and the Hobart Shopping Centre have an assortment of outstanding restaurants, cafes, and boutique stores.

Things to do in River Club

The River Club, an exclusive private golf club, was founded in 1967. Membership is by invitation only, but guests of members are welcome. The club has a strong golfing tradition, and Bob Grimsdell designed the 18-hole course. The River Club

The Driefontein Farmhouse is a historical site, a small museum on 15th Street in River Club. Built in 1906, it is a rural farmhouse that accurately reflects the architecture and style at the turn of the century. Driefontein Farm House

Distance to airports, main roads, and the CBD

River Club is in the Sandton municipality of Johannesburg. It is a short, ten-minute drive into the Sandton CBD for those that work there. If you need to commute further afield, you can access the M1 highway from Grayston Drive or the N1 highway from William Nicol Drive. You can travel north along Rivonia Road into Fourways or Woodmead and south along Rivonia Road towards the Johannesburg CBD, which is thirty minutes from River Club.

It is a 30-minute drive to the OR Tambo International Airport from River Club and a 40-minute drive to the smaller Lanseria Airport.

Weather in River Club

River Club is in the Sandton municipality of Johannesburg, and the Johannesburg climate is ideal for those who enjoy an outdoor lifestyle. The sun shines eighty percent of the time. Rainfall is during the summer months, usually in the form of afternoon thunderstorms, which cools the afternoon beautifully. Winters are dry but crisp and clear. You'd be fooled if you were sitting in the midday sunshine in winter, but be warned, early morning and night-time temperatures can be close to zero degrees Celsius on the coldest days. It's essential to wear sunscreen throughout the year, and not just on the hot summer days where temperatures can soar to thirty-six degrees Celsius on the hottest of days.

Make River Club your home, your story.

Seeff Sandton has been selling homes in River Club for 20 years. As market leaders in the area, we would love to help you start your next chapter. Speak to us about the market trends and property pricing specific to River Club. We can also advise you about homes in the adjacent suburbs and nearby surrounds. Browse our properties for sale in River Club and be in touch with us soon; we look forward to hearing from you. 

3 Residential Homes For Sale in River Club, Sandton

FROM R2,600,000 to R18,000,000

2 Residential Homes To Let in River Club, Sandton

FROM R19,000 to R25,000

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