Corlett Gardens at a glance

About the suburb of Corlett Gardens

Corlett Gardens is a small suburb in the northeastern reaches of Johannesburg. There are just over one hundred freestanding houses, almost 50 cluster-style homes, and over 500 apartments and townhouses in sectional title complexes.

Interesting facts about the history of Corlett Gardens

The main road Corlette Drive and the Corlett Gardens suburb are named after Mr. DF Corlett, the mayor of Johannesburg, in the early 1930s. Mr. Corlett had a construction company and was also a keen golfer. Originally from the Isle of Man, he emigrated to South Africa, Johannesburg particularly, looking for opportunities in the "New World."

Corlett's old offices are now the Arts on Main building in the Maboneng Precinct. He also laid the foundation stone of the historical Johannesburg Library.

Schools in the area

Lyndhurst Primary School and Sandringham High School are government schools near Corlett Gardens. Many residents have children at schools in neighboring Edenvale. The Nokuthula Special Education School is within the suburb itself.

Medical facilities in the area

It is a five-minute drive from Corlett Gardens to Edenvale Hospital, a government hospital. Netcare Linksfield will be the nearest private hospital for residents of Corlett Gardens.

Shopping centers and malls in the area

Balfour Mall and Norwood Mall are the most convenient shopping centers for Corlett Gardens residents. Greenstone Mall and Sandton City are slighter further from the suburb but are the bigger malls in the vicinity.

Restaurants to visit neat Corlett Gardens

Here are Seeff's Top 5 recommendations for eating out at the nearby Greenstone Shopping Centre:

  1. Mugg and Bean are known for their sizeable portions and coffee shop-style menu. Freshly baked cakes and muffins and hearty lunches are to be enjoyed.

  1. Wimpy, a South African fan favourite. It is an American Diner-style restaurant with a South African twist. Burgers, chips, and milkshakes have been favourites of South African children for decades. Look out for their signature red booths, and you'll know you're in the right place.

  1. Steers, for the ultimate flame-grilled burger and ribs, usually for Friday night takeaways!

  1. Krispy Kreme is fast becoming a cult classic. The delicious freshly made doughnuts can be bought as singles or in boxes. It is also becoming a favourite party pack or birthday ring treat for primary school-age children.

  1. Vida e Café for those needing their daily dose of great coffee. The barristers will thank you with an "Obrigado" if you put change aside as a tip.

There is also a Milky Lane, Fish & Chips Co, a Mochachos, and several other restaurants.

Distance to airports, main roads, and the CBD

Situated in the northeastern suburbs of Johannesburg. Corlett Gardens is a comfortable commute to major locations in all directions. It is 20 kilometers from the OR Tambo International Airport for travellers and those welcoming friends and family home.

There are many formal and informal methods of travel from Corlett Gardens - both bus and taxi routes are easily accessible. Those working at the court houses, hospitals, universities, and established businesses in the inner city of Johannesburg can expect a 17-kilometer journey. It is 8 kilometers into Sandton, with its major business corporations and shopping centers.

Weather in Corlett Gardens

The climate in Johannesburg, where Corlett Gardens is situated, is ideal. Summers are long and hot but are also when the rain falls, which can cool down the afternoons. The winters are short-lived, and although the temperatures can fall to the single digits (Celsius), it does not snow in Johannesburg. There are mosquitoes in the summer months, but Johannesburg is not a malaria area.

Make Corlett Gardens your home, your story.

Seeff Sandton would love to help you start your next chapter by finding the right home for you. We have homes for sale and to rent in Corlett Gardens and look forward to hearing from you.  Seeff Sandton

5 Residential Homes For Sale in Corlett Gardens, Johannesburg

FROM R1,000,000 to R1,550,000

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